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Here are the materials for self-assembly DSD DAC - DSC2.
All information on this site is open to the CERN Open Hardware License.
Any questions about this project: on the forum, or Pavel Pogodin.
DSC2 is a DSD-only DAC. Listening to PCM is possible only after conversion to DSD.
Several conversion methods are described on the Andrea Ciuffoli page "The pure DSD converter - the best source"
The highest possible quality can be obtained using the HQPlayer software.
It is recommended to use a modulator "AMSDM7 512+fs" and DSD256/DSD512.
Version DSC 2.5.2(stable)
Review DSC2 from Andrea Ciuffoli
Version DSC 2.6.2(stable)
Schematic diagram DSC 2.5.2/2.6.2 DSC252.pdf
BOM for DSC 2.5.2/2.6.2: BOM DSC2.5.2.xlsx
Gerbers for 2.5.2 and 2.6.2 versions
User Guide DSCv2.5.2 USER GUIDE.pdf
Real prototype of the new version DSC2:
This PCB is designed to work with Amanero or BeagleBone Black/Green.
A full galvanic isolation and reclocker on NDK NZ2520SDA generators are used.
Review from Andrea Ciuffoli
Schematic diagram BBB/Amanero+isolator+reclocker+DSC2 DSC2.pdf
BOM for mainboard and resistors network: DSC2_BOM.xls
Mounting plan mounting_plan.pdf
PCB and back panel dimensions: DSC2_dimensions.pdf
And gerbers...
Mainboard gerbers
Resistors 1206 network single board. PCB Thickness - 1.2mm!
Resistors 1206 network array board 2X8 with cut lines. PCB Thickness - 1.2mm!
This project uses very scarce chips from Potato Semiconductor.
Therefore, a redesign was made -
Project documentation coming soon...
PPY`s ReClocker for BeagleBone
With this simple reclocker and galvanic isolator, you can turn your any I2S DAC into a network transport for Roon, HQPlayer or as a UPNP renderer.
Output connector I2S corresponds to the standard pins Amanero.
Support up to DSD512 and PCM384.
Schematic diagram and BOM BBBreclk.pdf
DSD'it - DSD SRC for BeagleBone
AK4137 allows you to convert to DSD256 without significant loss in quality.
This cape cannot claim to be HQPlayer's conversion quality, but it can compete with Roon software conversion.

A complete set of documentation and software for self-production DSD'
A complete set of documentation and software for self-production DSD` (This version is deprecated)
PCMtoDSD Amanero adapter.
This SRC is for hardware conversion of PCM44-192 to DSD256.
Compatible with USB Amanero in master or slave mode.
Compatible with XING U30 in master or slave mode.
A complete set of documentation and software for self-production DSD'it
PureBone - SPDIF/AES for BeagleBone
A complete set of documentation and software for self-production
Little Red Riding Hood - simple DAC for BeagleBone
This simple DAC (only PCM 44-384) has good sound potential.
Built according to the dualmono scheme and full balance.
But for versatility, the output is not balanced RCA.
For this DAC to work in OS Pure, you need to select the I2S(±L/±R) output.
Be careful! The DAC uses UDA1334BTS chips.
UDA1334ATS is not compatible with this project!
A complete set of documentation and software for self-production
Software for new DSC2 and PPY`s ReClocker
Amanero firmware for Windoows - firmware_1096c. Firmware for Linux - firmware_2002b and more
To work with DSC2 Amanero must be connected to the Slave mode.
Firmware Pure designed specifically for this board.
Readme Pure
How to write an image on the internal memory BBB:
1. Download Pure.gz
2. Use Etcher to write this file to SD (the gz archive does not need to be unpacked)
3. Insert SD to BBB.
4. Press and hold S2.
5. Connect power to BeagleBone.
6. When all four LEDs come on, release S2.
7. After a few seconds, Linux will start.
8. Connect to BBB via any webbrowser and push buttom "Copy SD to eMMC". When copying is completed, the BBB will automatically turn off.
The firmware provides automatic assignment of IP addresses using DHCP.
You can find the new IP address on your home router or run the advanced-ip-scanner program.
BeagleBone will be listed as Texas Instruments manufacturer.
Or just open http://pure.local in your web browser.
The source code for self-compilation of the firmware is also available:
Mirror Miroslav Rudišin site (Botic driver) BeagleBone Black with I2S, DSD and SPDIF interface